Sunday, April 20, 2014

Spring Time Means Woodsplitting Time

Here's what we came to cut.

Mom & Grover are playing with the chain saw maintenance tools...they found a tooth brush.

"I've never seen Katie take so many pictures of everyone else." said Mom. I can fix that....

Tom with his ladies.

Papa and Grover working hard.

William and Grandma's sword fight on the Cliffs of Insanity.

Grandma, Papa, Grover, and if you look threw the fire ball, Mister.

Grandma and William still playing...

Can you see the three Chipmunks?

Julianne stayed inside because she's sick. A couple of times she walked out on the balcony to wave and smile, but then she had to go lay down.

Oh yeah!

Grover taking a break

Five fresh mice from the work shed.

Good thing cameras don't use film any more.
Let's get this party started.

When splitting wood I collect the grubs I find just for fun and then I leave them as an offering to the turkey gods...they love me because of it.
Guess who's splitting wood and who's playing.

Grover at the back deck sharpening chain saw blades.

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