Thursday, April 17, 2014

He's Nine Years Old

I can't believe that my son William is 9 yrs. old. Time has truly flown by as my parents said it would. My heart aches when I look back on old pictures of my littles when they were young, but at the same time my heart rejoices that I took so many pictures.

William was born 2 weeks before his due date. On April 11th my day was a normal day of taking care and loving on Julianne. When Grover came home that afternoon we went into town to do some shopping and get some munchies. After dinner we headed home for the evening to get settled...that quickly changed when I became violently ill. I was throwing up every 20 minutes and was quickly becoming weak. Grover with Julianne drove me to the hospital. As soon as I stepped off the elevator I threw up in the hall way of the maternity floor. Poor, little, baby girl  Julianne was crying because she didn't  understand what was happening. But quickly a few nurses ran to my rescue. They wheeled me to a room and hooked me to an IV to start replenishing my fluids. They also gave me and anti-nausea medicine (which I discovered I am allergic to). But soon things calmed down. Grover's sweet parents drove to the hospital to swoop up Julianne and took her back to their home. Grover stayed with me, he is such a sweet and loving husband, I have been truly blessed to be loved by him.
The next morning my mid-wife showed up to see how I was doing. I was tons better compared to the night before. So as she was checking on me before I could go home, she discovered I was 5 1/2 cm dilated. She smiled at me and said, "It looks like you're having this baby today." Grover and I were shocked! As William was making his grand entrance into the world, Grover was as sick as a dog. He had caught the bug, but he stood right next to me while giving birth.

William likes to read and it couldn't please me more. Right now he is into My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish and 'The Seaquel'.

So I made his ice cream birthday cake and decorated it to go along with the Zombie Goldfish swimming in toxic waters.
He loved it which made my heart happy to please him. He got a science crystal growing kit from Julianne, a boomerang from Daddy , a TV from Grandma and Papa, and clothes & a Skylander character from me. Small family parties are my thing and it was a wonderful time. Happy Birthday son!

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