Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Tuesdays are Cub Scout meetings and tonight's meeting made me remember something funny William had done last Tuesday.
I was waiting in the car for scouts to be over. The front door opened and out ran William with a gaggle of boys and the Den Leader following. Out loud, across the yard, in front of everybody, William says to me, "Mom, can I go over to my friends house to work on my Wildlife badge? Because I told my leader that we probably wont get to work on it because you're way busy this week with taking naps." I smile embarrassingly and tell him that will be fine. 

The Raines Family

Our old friend, Don Raines, from back in the Singles Group in Columbus, GA came and visited us while his family was vacationing.Last time saw Don was six years ago when we lived in Florida, and he was a bachelor then too. This time we got to meet his sweet wife Myla and and his adorable two children Julianna and Raymond. His kids and our kids were instantly best friends. Our families went to church together, we later had some awesome hamburgers, I must say, and then we bid then farewell. It was sad to see them drive away. But I know we will get together and our families will vacation  together in the future.
Raymond and Julianna




Raymond and William's legs. Boys sleep on the floor.

And girls sleep in the bed. Julianna and Julianne
Don, Myla, and me before church.

Julianna and Mister

Julianna and Raymond with the pop gun.

Julianna and Don

The Parhams and The Raines families.

Heading home after church-

Friday, June 13, 2014

Cattlemen's Society

We were invited to an evening of demostrations, games, and food at the Cattlemen's Society.

Place your bets on where the cow will poop.

Cow Poop Map

The poopers-

Cow R21


Nathan and Paisley

Where to cows are turned into hamburger.



And our son William...we're so proud. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Chore Time

"Alright, I've got my saftey gear on. Hopefully nothing bad happens." Julianne

BYU-I Married Student Housing

Here's our home for about the next year or so till Grover finishes with his under graduate. The home has a small living room with a corner of it as the dining room and a wall with a sink, stove, and fridge. Nice uh... but it's way cheap and on campus housing. The bedrooms are huge, that's a big plus. Both of the kids get their own rooms, and Grover is able to set up his office in our bedroom. Another plus to living here is there are alot of kids in our ward (lots of new friends for the kids), and Mister has lots of friends he gets to play with between 5 pm-9:30 pm.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

When Old Friends Get Together

Titusville peeps in Idaho

I can't get enough of this baby.

Jules can't get enough of her either.

It's so good to be around old friends.

The birthday boy!

The kids had fun conversing with everyone too.

Oh William...

Watermelon time!

Riley is such a cutie.