Saturday, September 13, 2014

Phone Call

Grover and I went out on for a couple of hours while the kids stayed home and hung out. While we were out a friend called the house. Julianne pick up the phone and this is how the conversation went;

Julianne, "Hello?"
Jess, "Kate?"
Julianne, "Who?"
Jess, "Kate?"
Julianne, "Who?"
Jess, "Is this Kate?"
Julianne, "Yeah."
Jess, " Hey girl! What are you doing?"
Julianne, "Nothing much...just hanging out in my room."
Jess,"Oh, well Sarah and I are about to go get Chinese food and want to know if you want to come with?"
Julianne, "Yeah, but I have to ask my mom first."
Jess, "Julianne! Where is your mom?"
Julianne, "She's out with dad right now."
Jess, "Well when she gets home have her call me."

Julianne is so cute!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Baby Bomb

Today in sacrament meeting, all of the babies started fussing at the same time. Julianne whispers to Grover and me, "Baby bomb."

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Julianne and William's Lemonade Stand

Julianne made the sign.

My entrepreneurs-

The kids waved at everyone that walked, biked, jogged, and drove by. 

An ambulance turned around and stopped at the Lemonade Stand. The doors opened and 4 guys hopped out and lined up for a refreshing cup of lemonade. Afterwards, William asked if he could see the inside of the bus.